Our Featured PNTee Participant

Donald Miller - PGA Golf Management Program - UMES

Background History:

Donald was a high school baseball player that got hit in arm with a baseball resulting from a wild pitch. Do to this incident, he developed a phobia resulting from the traumatic experience. Searching for a sport to replace baseball, the summer before starting his freshman year in high school, Donald moved into a subdivision which had a golf course. And because of this, Donald decided to try golf. Donald began watching the Golf Channel, and basically taught himself how to golf. His first set of clubs was an old set of Ben Hogan blades that belonged to his grandfather. Donald played and watched the Golf Channel the entire summer and when he began his freshman year at Tucker High School, he was consistantly shooting in the low 80s.

Donald with Christian Heavens, Big Break Mytle Beach (left) and Lanto Griffin, Web.com Tour (right)

PNTee in working with the Miller family and University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Donald was able to enroll in the Golf Management Program. He is currently a PGA student, working towards becoming a PGA Professional.

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